Thursday, October 04, 2007

Javascript validation made easy

JSValidate is ibrary based on Prototype and which lets validate your form fields through Javascript

You will have to include src="scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js, scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js and jsvalidate.js and you will be able to use the following classes for validation

jsrequired - Field must have some sort of value.
jsvalidate_number - Any integer; accepts decimal and negative
jsvalidate_digits - Only Numbers
jsvalidate_alpha - Only letters
jsvalidate_alphanum - Only letters, numbers, and underscores.
jsvalidate_email - Any valid email address.
jsvalidate_uscanzip - US or Canada Zip code; Accepts optional US zip + 4
jsvalidate_usstate - Any 2 letter uppercase state of the United States.
jsvalidate_usphone - US Phone Number, accepts most common formats.
jsvalidate_creditcard - Validates VISA, MasterCard, American Express; formats: no spaces, spaces, or dashes.
jsvalidate_ssn - Social Security Number in the format: XXXXXXXXX, XXX XX XXXX, or XXX-XX-XXXXX
select-notfirst - This class can be applied to select boxes (drop-downs). It prohibits the user from selecting the first option from the list.

See the demo


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