Tuesday, December 26, 2006

PDFs with PDFCreator

For many Windows users who want to create PDF files, Adobe Acrobat is overkill. Acrobat has more functions and features than they'll generally use, and with a price tag of $299 ($449 for the professional edition), Acrobat costs more than many people want to spend. Luckily, Windows users can create PDFs from any application using the GPL-licensed PDFCreator. Built on top of Ghostscript, a popular free PostScript interpreter, PDFCreator is fast and configurable. For most purposes, it's a great alternative to Acrobat.

You can download the installer for PDFCreator from its SourceForge.net project page. You can get the installer as either a Windows executable or as a Microsoft Installer package. The Windows executable comes in two versions -- one with Ghostscript, one without.

Read Via Newsforge


There was a suggestion in the comments to use OpenOffice, ofcourse you can use that - but then, not everyone uses OpenOffice and Pdfcreator can be used to "Print" to a PDF from ANY Windows Program - OpenOffice included :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just use OpenOffice.