Prediction Time!
This time of the year is for predictions and we have come up with our set for 2007!
- Vista will still make money! and yes, not surprisingly it will still be insecure
- Few Web 2.0 startups will survive 2007
- AOL will survive 2007 ;-) or get taken over
- Google will continue to dominate the world diversifying even more
- Ubuntu will gain more popularity than ever
- You will start seeing more video ads!
- Blogging will surge even more and a promiment medium for communication
- India will start to find some outsourcing competiion from other countries but will continue to lead
- We will see the Apple Phone which will be very popular
- Firefox will continue to gain market share - around 30% this year end
- Skype will run on losses - VoIP will be more widely used
More as they as come...